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This program is designed to help you teach your dog the rules of the house. Would you like your dog to not beg? Do you have an uncontrollable dog when the doorbell rings? Are you embarrassed to have friends or guests over because your dog behaves terribly?
For people who are willing to teach your dog what to do in everyday life situations.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what you are telling them to do. To teach your dog to not beg at the dinner table, to greet people appropriately, to settle down when your friends sit down, to not bark and bother your friends.
In your home!
1 session that suits your schedule.
To have a well behaved dog around your home.
This program is intended to “remind” your canine friend all the basic skills needed and to use on a daily basis. It will strengthen your bond with your dog and ensure pack leadership. Would you enjoy bringing your dog wherever you go because they are so well behaved? We challenge you and your dog to the next level to continue that valuable connection between you, family members and your dog.
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to communicate with them to have a well rounded confident dog. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so they know exactly what you are telling them and they are willingly wanting to please you. In your home, we would walk through any or all commands for sit, down, stand, stay, come, walk on leash politely, teach them off. We can include any or all behaviours such as separation anxiety jumping on people, barking, chewing, crate training, housetraining, digging, learn how to correct effectively, food bowl aggression, begging, countertop cruising, biting, nipping, mouthing, games with your dog and good behaviour habits for a well rounded dog. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the various challenges while everyone is learning.
In your home! We will train in your home where the behaviours occur. We can take walks in your own neighbourhood and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your dog.
3 sessions that suits your schedule.
To achieve a well rounded confident dog who you can take anywhere.
Would you like your dog to be mentally tired at the end of your day while you watch a movie, sunset or enjoy some quiet time with them? Is your dog full of energy all the time? Do you want to reduce the energy level in your dog? Do you want your dog to settle down and they just have too much energy? Does your dog often pace? Is your dog not able to stop going? Does your dog have endless energy? Would you like to see your dog more tired?
For people who want their dog to reduce the level of their energy. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to deal with your high energy dog and learn how to get rid of the excess energy. In your home, we would walk through the steps to mentally challenge your dog using positive training methods. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the variety of tricks to tire them out mentally.
In your home! We will train in your home to mentally tire out your dog.
1 session that suits your schedule.
To have fun with your dog and mentally tire them out.
This program is designed to regain pack leadership in your home! Do you feel that your dog is taking over your house? Are you thinking that your dog is the leader and you are the follower in your own home? Is your dog barging through doors leaving you behind in the dust? Is your dog growling at you when you tell them to get off the couch or your bed?
For people who are willing to learn how to become pack leader in your household. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and become pack leader in your home. All family members are welcome to join in the training to keep the consistency.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what you are telling them to do.
In your home!
1 session that suits your schedule.
To regain pack leadership in your home.
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Are you tired of cleaning up little messes around the house? Is your dog not signalling you to go outside so that they can do their business? Are you finding little prizes around your home where your dog has decided to eliminate in the house? Is your dog confused as to where they should eliminate their bladder? Are you tired of watching your dog every minute of the day to wait for them to go to the bathroom? Would you like your dog to let you know that they need to go outside to do their business? Would you love your dog to eliminate in a particular area of your yard?
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to train your dog to eliminate outside or in a certain area of your yard. All family members are welcome to join in the training to keep the consistency.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly where they should eliminate. In your home, we would walk through the steps to teach your dog to eliminate in appropriate areas. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the training with them while everyone is learning.
In your home! We will train in your home where the behaviour occurs.
2 sessions that suits your schedule.
To have your dog eliminate where you want them to.
Would you like to master the sit command? How many things can your dog not do if they are sitting? Would you like your dog to sit when they meet a new person? Would you like your dog to sit when the doorbell rings? Would you like to teach your dog to wait for their dinner patiently? Would you like your dog to sit when visitors stop by your home? Would you like to see your dog sit when they meet someone on the street? Is your dog able to sit when children come to see your dog? Would you like your dog to sit still when you take out the leash to take them for a walk instead of being overly excited?
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and teach your dog to sit in all sorts of situations. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what is expected of them. In your home and around your neighbourhood, we would walk through how to get your dog to sit in a variety of situations. We will have fun working with your dog and enjoy the training with them while everyone is learning.
In your home and around your neighbourhood! We can take walks in your own neighbourhood and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your dog.
2 sessions that suits your schedule.
To bring your dog anywhere and know they have a solid sit in a variety of situations.
Is your dog ignoring you when you call their name? Are they embarrassing to take to the dog park? Would you like your dog to come to you whenever you call them? Are you interested in having more trust in letting your dog off leash? Would you like your dog to come to you instead of roaming around the park and chasing after them until they decide it is time to go? Can you imagine bringing your dog to a park and have them come to you each time that you call them? Teach your dog to come to you the first time you call them even if they are distracted as this can be a life saving skill.
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to call your dog and they return every time. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what is expected when you call them. In your home and around your neighbourhood, we would walk through how to get your dog to come to you every time. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the training with them while everyone is learning.
In your home and around your neighbourhood! We can take walks in your own neighbourhood and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your dog.
2 sessions that suits your schedule.
To bring your dog anywhere and you can call them while they are off leash and they will come to you every time.
Would you like your dog to focus on you and pay attention to you instead of other dogs, people, skateboards, bikes, strollers or other distractions on the street or in a park? Would you like to have the attention of your dog as soon as you call their name? Would you like your dog to be ready and waiting for the next command that you give?
For people who are interested in teaching their dog to focus on them in high distraction situations and be willing to work with a remote collar using vibrations as well as rewards to reinforce the behaviour.
To learn how to properly use a remote collar and have your dog focus on you.
In your home, in your neighbourhood, at your local park!
1 session that suits your schedule.
To teach your dog to focus on you and give you attention in highly distracting situations.
Do you feel bad for leaving your dog every day? Is your dog barking when you leave the house? Are you concerned that your dog is going to hurt themselves while you are out of the house? Do you hear your dog whining when you leave? Is your dog pacing as you leave the house? Is your dog happy when you leave the house? Are you getting complaints from people who hear your dog while you are away from your home? Is your dog destroying things when you are not home? Are you upset every time you leave your best friend at home? Are you concerned with how your dog responds every time you leave the house? Are you returning home disappointed and upset with your dog because they destroyed something while you were out?
For people who are willing to learn what to do about separation anxiety. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to leave the house knowing your dog is happy. Also to know that upon your return your dog did not destroy anything. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to deal with separation anxiety and fix the problem immediately.
In your home.
1 session that suits your schedule.
To have a dog who is completely happy when you leave your home and know that your house is safe from destruction.
Is your dog pulling you down the street? Are you enjoying your walks with your four legged friend? Do you walk your dog at specific times to avoid bad behaviour? This session focuses on you and your dog walking together nicely and not pulling or barking/lunging/jumping. This program will teach you how to handle your dog in all sorts of situations rather than you holding onto your dog for dear life whenever your dog wants to chase squirrels, bikes, strollers, roller blades, children, other dogs, visit people or wants to chase cats.
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to have your dog under control when you take them for a walk. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so they know exactly what is expected when you walk them. We will walk around your neighbourhood or bring them to any park and teach them how to walk on leash properly. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the walk with them while everyone is learning.
In your neighbourhood! We will train in your neighbourhood where the behaviour occurs while working in the same streets that you walk your dog every day and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your dog.
2 sessions that suits your schedule.
To have a dog who is under control while you are walking them.
Is your dog chewing on your socks, underwear, shoes or other articles of clothing? Are you missing pieces of your cupboards, baseboards or drywall in your home? Does your dog chew on your couch, chair, table legs or other furniture? Are you tired of coming home to a mess that your dog decided to destroy while you were out? Would you like to stop your dog from chewing on the children’s toys? Would you like to leave the house and come home to a peaceful household that is damage free?
For people who are willing to learn how to stop your dog from chewing inappropriate things. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to leave your dog and know they are not going to chew something special while you are not watching them. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know what not to chew. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the training with them while everyone is learning.
In your home! We will train in your home where the chewing occurs.
1 session that suits your schedule.
To have a dog who is not chewing inappropriate items.
Do you have a dog who is barking, lunging, jumping and completely out of control when the doorbell rings? Are you interested in teaching your dog to down and stay while you answer the door. Would you like your guests to come into the house without your dog all over them? Are you embarrassed with your dog’s behaviour when people stop by to visit? Would you like your dog to stop jumping on people as they enter into your home? Are you interested in stopping your dog from attacking your other dog when the doorbell rings?
For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to have your dog under control when a guest comes to visit. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what is expected when the doorbell rings. In your home, we would walk through how to get your dog to greet your friends appropriately. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the training with them while everyone is learning.
In your home! We will train in your home where the behaviour occurs and train at the door which most people use.
2 sessions that suits your schedule.
To have a dog who is under control when guests arrive.
Would you like your dog to be off leash around the outside of your home? Would you like to trust your dog to know their boundaries and also stay within your boundaries?
For people who are interested in teaching their dog to stay on your own property and be willing to work with a remote collar using vibrations as well as rewards to reinforce the behaviour.
To learn how to properly use a remote collar and trust your dog will stay on your own property.
On your own property!
3 sessions that suits your schedule.
To teach your dog the boundaries of your property and let them roam your property freely.
This program is designed to begin your journey with the newest member of your pack. Start off on the right path to develop a bond which will always be there for the rest of your puppy’s life with you. Would you like to know how to get your new puppy to stop biting you and your clothing? Are you interested in teaching your puppy to eliminate themselves outside or in a certain area of your yard? Would you like your puppy to stop chewing your shoes? Are you interested in teaching your puppy to stop eating your socks and other articles of clothing? Would you like your puppy to stop jumping on your guests? Are you interested in teaching your puppy the appropriate areas to dig in your yard or not dig at all? Would you like to teach your puppy some basic manners so that you are able to bring your well behaved puppy wherever you go? Do you want to leave your puppy for extended periods of times and still make sure they are happy while you are away? Are you interested in showing your puppy how to walk on leash so that you both can enjoy your walk together?
Puppy owners who have bonded for 1 week together. For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their new addition. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their puppy and to have a well rounded confident puppy. All family members are welcome to participate in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your puppy so that they know exactly what you are asking from them and they are willing to please you with your commands. We would walk through in your home how to teach your puppy to sit, down, stand, stay, come, walk on leash politely, teach them off. We can include any or all behaviours like puppy biting, nipping, mouthing, jumping on people, barking, chewing, crate training, learn about socialization, learn about separation anxiety, housetraining, digging, begging, learn how to correct effectively, accept grooming & nail trimming, accept being handled, food bowl aggression, games with your puppy and good behaviour habits in order to begin the development for a well rounded dog. We would choose where to leave your new puppy while you are out of the house and train them how to greet people at your door! Training should be fun and enjoyable for all of you to help you communicate with each other.
In your home! We will train in your home where the behaviours occur. We will take walks in your own neighbourhood and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your puppy after proper vaccination to protect your new friend.
3 sessions that suits your schedule
To achieve a well rounded confident puppy who you can take anywhere.
Perfect Puppy Training Program Details To learn more about our 3 week program please click here |
This program is intended to strengthen your bond with your dog and ensure pack leadership. We would like you to enjoy all behaviours that your dog willingly provides to please you. Would you like to walk your dog anytime you would like? Would you enjoy bringing your dog wherever you go because they are so well behaved? Are family and friends asking you to bring along your four legged pal because they are well behaved?
Dog owners who have bonded for 1 week together. For people who are willing to learn how to communicate better with their dog. For families, couples and singles who would like to build a special bond with their dog and be able to communicate with them to have a well rounded confident dog. All family members are welcome to join in the training.
To learn how to communicate with your dog so that they know exactly what you are asking from them and they are wanting to please you. In your home, we would walk through any or all commands for sit, down, stand, stay, come, walk on leash politely, teach them off. We can include any or all behaviours such as separation anxiety jumping on people, barking, chewing, crate training, housetraining, digging, learn how to correct effectively, food bowl aggression, begging, countertop cruising, biting, nipping, mouthing, games with your dog and good behaviour habits for a well rounded dog. We want to have fun working with your dog and enjoy the various challenges while everyone is learning.
In your home! We will train in your home where the behaviours occur. We can take walks in your own neighbourhood and if you prefer, we can visit any dog park or play area with your dog.
3 sessions that suits your schedule.
To achieve a well rounded confident dog who you can take anywhere.
The Seller provides one (1) year health guarantee against genetic defects such as hip dysplasia, epilepsy or eye defects, and death due to an undiagnosed pre-disposed medical condition. The Purchaser must supply copies of all medical findings to the Seller. The Seller then reserves the right to have said dog checked and the condition verified by her own vet. Puppy may be returned to Seller for i) a refund of the Purchase Price (excluding training costs) OR ii) a replacement puppy when the next available pup becomes available by the Seller. Please note that Coccidia and Guardia and other common puppy worms/parasites are not covered by this warranty.