Mature Dogs

Happy Hound has been training for over 25 years. It is important to keep your dog stimulated and challenged. We believe in-your-home training works and offer advanced dog training in your home, customized to your schedule.
Mature Dogs - Dog Training, Marcia Scott, Happy Hound

Good House Manners

This program is designed to help you teach your dog the rules of the house.

Mentally Challenging Your Dog

Would you like your dog to be mentally tired at the end of your day while you watch a movie, sunset or enjoy some quiet time with them?

Refresher Course

This program is intended to “remind” your canine friend all the basic skills needed and to use on a daily basis.

Pack Leader

This program is designed to regain pack leadership in your home! Do you feel that your dog is taking over your house?

Happy Hound Mature Dogs

This program is intended to strengthen your bond with your dog and ensure pack leadership.

Behaviour Problems…
You are not alone

  • Are there behaviours you want to correct?
  • Would you like solutions for separation anxiety?
  • Have you adjusted your lifestyle to accommodate your dog?
  • Are you walking your dog at specific times to avoid bad behaviour?
  • Is your dog socialized?
  • Are you using excuses for their bad behaviour?
  • Do you want more training after puppy classes?

Please feel free to contact us
with any questions:
613-253-5535 or